Toward the end of your pregnancy, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which feel like real labor pains but do not signify the onset of labor. There are various ways to tell if they are the real deal or not, but if you call your doctor or midwife in a panic, they make this suggestion: Relax, and have a glass of wine. If the contractions are real, they’ll intensify, but if they are Braxton Hicks, they will likely go away very soon after.

But is it safe for the baby?
Drinking an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy has been a controversial topic. Obviously, frequent or heavy drinking is dangerous for your baby, but a glass of wine here and there is where opinions differ. Some maintain that the effects of alcohol on a fetus are still unknown and it’s better to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether. Others (like most Europeans!) believe that there’s nothing wrong with an occasional drink and indulge themselves without giving it a second thought.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue, one glass of wine toward the end of your pregnancy probably doesn’t pose any hazard to your baby’s health. And if it stops the Braxton Hicks and puts your mind at ease, it’s an added bonus! L’Chayim!
Drink some water too…
Being dehydrated can bring on false labor pains as well. So in addition to your glass of wine, be sure to drink plenty of water, which may help ease Braxton Hicks as well!