Our minds are very powerful. Hypnosis is finally becoming recognized in the medical profession as an extremely valuable tool to assist in many areas of health. “Hypnosis is a wonderful tool which allows access to your inner mind, allowing alignment of purpose and resolution of conflicts,” explains hypnotherapist Roseanna Jane Leaton (via American Chronicle). Hypnosis can help people with many things, from sports mind training, to weight loss, to helping people overcome fears and phobias. So it should come as no surprise that hypnotism offers benefits to pregnant and birthing women as well!
Some benefits of Hypnotism during Pregnancy & Childbirth:
- Increases fertility by reducing stress, which is known to be a barrier to getting pregnant
- Overcoming morning sickness
- Quitting smoking (benefiting you and your baby)
- Increase energy levels
- Maintaining a confident body image through pregnancy and after the birth
- Reduces mood swings, anxiety, and tension, and fear
- Helps relieve aches and pains, heartburn, flatulence, backaches, swollen feet and legs, high blood pressure, and other pregnancy-related discomforts
- Enables a more relaxed, pleasant birthing experience
- Reduces the length of labor
- Reduces need for medical interventions and pain medications
- Creates deeper levels of bonding with your baby
- Avoiding the “baby blues” and overcoming post natal depression
How Hypnosis works during Pregnancy & Childbirth:
Ms. Leaton explains that learning hypnosis techniques enables your mind and body to relax, as your brain wave patterns change from the beta waves (normal waking consciousness) to alpha waves (drowsy relaxation) to theta wave patterns (associated with dreaming). Practicing during pregnancy helps relieve pregnancy-associated stress and discomfort, and prepairs you for a birth free of anxiety. The more you practice, the deeper the state of relaxation you will be able to achieve. This will allow you to more greatly numb your perception of pain at the time of the birth.
If you are curious what it feels to be hypnotized, HypBirth elaborates:
“Hypnosis is a natural process and is part of our daily lives though we may be unaware of it. For example, haven’t you driven several miles in your car and suddenly realized you couldn’t remember what you had just passed? There is no threat of danger in these situations, your conscious mind has simply left the driving to your subconscious, allowing yourself some time for a good daydream. This is a form of self-hypnosis…”
“It is worth remembering that before pharmaceuticals became available to assist in pain control, the only technique available was mind control,” says Ms. Leaton, “And you can learn to use your mind to put your natural opiates to work.”
For further reading:
How Does Hypnosis Make For Easy Pregnancy And Childbirth?
Hypnosis for Labor: Mind over Matter
here is a method of self programming that’s been around for decades. I remember first reading about it in “The Mind in the Martial Arts” by Thomas Nardi. Just before you go to sleep, you repeat a mantra to yourself like, “I enjoy the somersault axe kick and I’m always getting better at it.” You repeat that to yourself until you fall asleep. Then when you begin to wake up, you repeat it to yourself until you’re completely awake.