So today is my “due date” but as I suspected would happen… nothing. No big surprise since Esther (my 2 yr old) was 2 weeks overdue (actually, she was in no hurry even after 2 weeks, and I was induced). While I’m in no hurry to have the baby out before it’s ready, I would like to avoid an induction again! And a good thing to remember is that it’s about a million times easier to be a week or two overdue with a baby, than to be taking care of that same baby, so enjoy the extra time before the little one arrives. Don’t worry, no one stays pregnant forever!
CNN Health says: It’s perfectly normal to give birth one to two weeks before or after your due date. In fact, only an estimated 5 percent of women give birth on their due dates. You’re not considered overdue until two weeks after your due date. It’s then that many doctors begin to speak of induction.
The truth is, since I was induced the last time I’m not even sure what the beginning of labor feels like. I assume that when it starts, I’ll know… but here’s a little summery of what to expect: How do I know when I am in labour?
And here are 101 things to do when you’re overdue. Some of them seem pretty silly (go dancing??) but others are practical (pack your hospital bag… buy a nursing bra…)ย and others would just make me crazy (practice a new position for labor) and some will make your husband crazy (page him to make sure he’s paying attention??). But hey, anything beats just sitting around waiting for a contration!
The silly ones actually work very well for taking your mind off everything. ๐ And obviously not all 101 work for everyone. My favorite is still the pedicure… Good luck!
At we can convert any brand name bra to a nursing bra. We use the Kwik Klip, which allows you to hold your baby with one hand and open the clip with the other. So if you’re happy with the bra that your currently wearing why change ๐