When something special happens, many people reach for a camera. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, births… we all want to remember the beauty, the joy, the feeling of anticipation these events bring, and a photo is often the perfect way to capture that fleeting moment. Well, nine months of pregnancy does not exactly qualify as a “fleeting moment,” but once your baby has arrived in the world, you only have memories of carrying her inside you for all those months. Unless, that is, you choose to photograph yourself, and more importantly, your belly.
Some photographers specialize in capturing the beauty of the pregnant woman. If you’ve been thinking about celebrating your pregnant body in this way, but not sure how to go about it, the best place to start is with someone who’s done it many times before. To see samples, you can visit Lori Nordstrom’s website and view photos of her lovely expecting mothers. Another beautiful photograhpy site is Jennifer Loomis Fine Art Pregnancy Photography. And one more website with striking and dramatic pregnancy photos to check out: Linnea Lankus Fine Art Portrature.
If you chose the right artist to take your photos, you definitely won’t regret it! “Is the beautiful 37 week pregnant woman in those pictures really me?” raves one of Jennifer Loomis’ clients. “To call them pictures is not an accurate description — they’re art… You have given our family a wonderful gift by magically capturing the hope and the love Tim and I felt at such an exciting time in our lives.”
It’s been
said, a woman is most beautiful when she is with child and I stride in Capturing
images you will treasure forever.
Maternity or pregnancy portraits have become very popular in recent years. These once in a life-time
photos can be done in the Artistic or Traditional style.
Whether it’s your
first pregnancy or your fourth, don’t let this incredible change in your
body go by without capturing the miracle that is within.
It doesn’t matter
if you’re shy or outgoing, I create a warm, comfortable environment where
you may wear as much or as little clothing as you prefer.
Sessions could
include Children, husbands, and pets.
Plan your shoot
anywhere between 6 and 10 weeks before your due date; if you’re closer, call
and I’ll fit you in. For a free consultation call Hawaii
Photographer – Anthony
Calleja at 808.349.7917.